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Their Spiritual significance

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One of the most frequent forms of falsehood.


Dahlia Spp. Cav. (Asteraceae [= Compositae])


The smallest dahlias with a hard big centre and small single petals in all colours

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What do you call a "canker"?

It is an image, as of a fine mango, very beautiful to look at, and when one opens it, there is a worm inside. That is because the fly laid an egg before the fruit was formed; outside there is no trace. Everything seems candid, disinterested. But within, right at the bottom, there is a great ambition, the desire to have an exceptional position, to be respected by everybody... that is, the ego. This is the canker, it remains very quiet, but it is there. When the power comes, instead of realising that one is nothing, does not deserve anything and that all that one has to do is to remain as passive as possible, one deceives oneself, feels the need of others taking note of it also. It is this I call the canker. It eats up all that is inside and leaves the appearance intact.

The Mother

The Mother. Collected Works of the Mother.- Volume 5. - Questions And Answers (1953)

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