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Their Spiritual significance

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Divine smile

We can contemplate the divine smile when we have conquered our ego.


Michelia champaca var. alba (Magnoliaceae)



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Divine smile

But this Presence in all things... it is a vibration, but it is a vibration that contains everything - a vibration that contains a kind of infinite power, infinite delight, infinite peace, and vastness, vastness, vastness; there are no limits... But it is only a vibration, it does not... Oh, Lord! it cannot be thought, so it cannot be said. If you think, as soon as you think, the whole muddle begins again. That is why one cannot speak.

No, He is very far away because you think He is very far away. Even, you know, if you think He is there, like this (gesture close to her face) touching you... if you could feel - it is not like the touch of a person, it is not like that. It is not some thing alien, external, which comes in from outside. It is not that... It is everywhere.

Then you feel - everywhere, everywhere, everywhere: inside, outside, everywhere, everywhere - Him, nothing but Him - Him, His vibration.

No, you must stop that (the head), until you stop that, you cannot see the True Thing - you look for comparisons, you say, It is like this, it is like that. Oh!


And how often, how often the impression... there is no form - there is a form and there is no form, it cannot be put into words. And the impression of a look and there are no eyes - there are no eyes, but there is a look - a look and a smile, and there is no mouth, there is no face! And yet there is a smile, there is a look and (Mother laughs) one cannot help saying, "Yes, O Lord, I am stupid!" But He laughs, one laughs, one is happy.

One cannot! It cannot be explained. It cannot be put into words. One cannot say anything. Whatever one says is nothing, nothing.

The Mother

The Mother. Collected Works of the Mother.- Volume 10. - The Thoughts and Aphorismes

An incense floated in the quivering air,

A mystic happiness trembled in the breast

As if the invisible Beloved had come

Assuming the sudden loveliness of a face

And close glad hands could seize his fugitive feet

And the world change with the beauty of a smile.

Sri Aurobindo

Sri Aurobindo. Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library in 30 Volumes. - Volumes 28-29. - Savitri / Book 2, Canto 14

You know, when I say, "The Lord smiles", that means something; it is not that I see a smiling face, but it is... it is a solar vibration. You know, the sun is flat and dull and cold and almost black in comparison.

The Mother

The Mother. Unpublished. Talk of 13 Oct. 1965

If you can always smile at life, life also will always smile at you.

The Mother

The Mother. Collected Works of the Mother.- Volume 14. - Words of the Mother

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