at the book: The Mother. The Spiritual Significance of Flowers.- 1-st Ed. / Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, Pondicherry (India).- Singapore: Ho Printing, 2000.- ISBN 81-7058-609-7
► Division Magnoliophyta - Flowering plants
► Class Magnoliopsida - Dicotyledons
► Subclass Asteridae
► Order Gentianales
► Family Apocynaceae - Dogbane family
► Subfamily Apocynoideae
► Tribe Wrightieae
► Genus Nerium L. - Oleander
(=) Nerium indicum Mill.
Nerium odoratum
(=) Nerium odorum Aiton
Nerium verecundum
Common names
Indian oleander (English)
Oleander (English)
Rose bay (English)
Rosebay shrub (English)
Rose-laurel (English)
Sweet scented oleander (English)
Laurier (French)
Laurier-rose (French)
Oleandre (French)
Oleander (German)
Олеандр (Russian)
Олеандр душистый (Russian)
Олеандр обыкновенный (Russian)
Adelfa (Spanish)
Balandre (Spanish)
Laurel rosa (Spanish)
Pascua (Spanish)
Raktakarabi (India (Bengali))
Chandni (India (Hindi))
Ganer (India (Hindi))
Kaner (India (Hindi))
Asvamaraka (India (Sanskrit))
Chandata (India (Sanskrit))
Karaveera (India (Sanskrit))
Karavira (India (Sanskrit))
Alari (India (Tamil))
Arali (India (Tamil))
Kyochiku-to (Japanese)
Selonsroos (Afrikaans)
Espirradeira (Brazil (Portuguese))
Oleandro (Brazil (Portuguese))
Sweetly fragrant single salverform flower with five separated lobes and twisted suggesting a pinwheel, and a light yellow centre with a delicate fringed corona; borne in loose cymes. A prolific flowering shrub with stiff lanceolate leaves.
Surrender of all falsehood
I brought you a flower from the garden: "Surrender of Falsehood."
(Mother immediately takes the flower and puts it on her forehead, where she holds it a long time, silently)
I take it in the largest and most profound sense....
Look.... As I understand it, when Falsehood is gone (even in a single person - when not a vestige remains...), there must be Light, Peace... (Mother stretches her arms out)... Vastness... perfect understanding... the TRUE vision of our world and things, and union, a conscious union with the divine Consciousness.