Photo Collection
Note No 1
According to Sri Aurobindo: Archives and Research.– Vol.14, No2, December 1990, PP. 230-231, Cartier-Bresson took at Pondicherry these photos:
1) Playground, disciples, the Mother;
2) Ashram’s cottage industries;
3) Golconde;
4) Meditation house, the Mother giving blessings;
5) some fairly close-up shots of the Mother.
1) the Mother’s “balcony darshan”;
2) Sri Aurobindo’s and the Mother’s darshan in Meditation house.
1) Sri Aurobindo (17 shots);
2) Anu Purani’s dancing;
3) the dining hall;
4) the Mother’s “Vegetable Darshan”;
5) some shots of the streets of Pondicherry in the afternoon;
6) the Mother playing tennis (evening);
7) Pavitra, Nolini Kanta Gupta, Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya;
8) Playground, Mother’s evening class.