Sri Aurobindo
Letters on Yoga
1. The Supramental Evolution
Fragment ID: 16
See largest or earliest found fragment here
Sri Aurobindo — Unknown addressee
December 15, 1934
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All that is absurd. The descent of the supramental means only that the Power will be there in the earth-consciousness as a living force just as the thinking mental and higher mental are already there. But an animal cannot take advantage of the presence of the thinking mental Power or an undeveloped man of the presence of the higher mental Power – so too anybody
will not be able to take advantage of the presence of the supramental Power. I have also often enough said that it will be at first for the few, not for the whole earth,– only there will be a growing influence of it on the earth-life.
1 CWSA, volumes 28, 35: and the higher
2 CWSA, volumes 28, 35: everybody
Current publication:
Sri Aurobindo. Letters on Yoga // Sri Aurobindo Birth Century Library. Set in 30 Volumes (SABCL).- Volume 22. (≈ 28 vol. of CWSA).- Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1971.- 502 p.
Other publications: