Sri Aurobindo
Letters on Yoga
1. The Supramental Evolution
Fragment ID: 23
It is not for considerations of gain or loss that the Divine Consciousness acts – that is a human standpoint necessary for human development. The Divine, as the Gita says, has nothing to gain and nothing that it has not, yet it puts forth its power of action in the manifestation. It is the earth-consciousness, not the supramental world that has to gain by the descent of the supramental principle – that is sufficient reason for it to descend. The supramental worlds remain as they are and are in no way affected by the descent.
Current publication:
Sri Aurobindo. Letters on Yoga // Sri Aurobindo Birth Century Library. Set in 30 Volumes (SABCL).- Volume 22. (≈ 28 vol. of CWSA).- Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1971.- 502 p.
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