Sri Aurobindo
Letters on Yoga
2. Integral Yoga and Other Paths
Fragment ID: 130
See letter itself (letter ID: 1310)
Sri Aurobindo — Nirodbaran Talukdar
April 15, 1935
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By divine realisation is meant the spiritual realisation – the realisation of Self, Bhagwan1 or Brahman on the mental-spiritual plane or
else the overmental plane. That is a thing (at any rate the mental-spiritual) which thousands have done. So it is obviously easier to do than the supramental. Also nobody can have the supramental realisation who has not had the spiritual.... It is true that neither can be got in an
effective way unless the whole being is turned towards it – unless there is a real and very serious spirit and dynamic reality of sadhana... It is true that I want the supramental not for myself but for the earth and souls born on the earth, and certainly therefore I cannot object if anybody wants the supramental. But there
are the conditions. He must want the divine Will first and the soul’s surrender and spiritual
realisation (through works, bhakti, knowledge, self-perfection) on the way...
The central sincerity is the first thing and sufficient for an aspiration to be entertained – a total sincerity is needed for the aspiration to be fulfilled...
1 Bhagawan.– Ed.
2 Nirodbaran. Correspondence.- Volume 1; CWSA, volume 35: or
3 CWSA, volumes 29, 35: any
4 Nirodbaran. Correspondence.- Volume 1: these
5 Nirodbaran. Correspondence.- Volume 1; CWSA, volume 35: and the spiritual
Current publication:
Sri Aurobindo. Letters on Yoga // SABCL.- Volume 22. (≈ 28 vol. of CWSA).- Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1971.- 502 p.
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