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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

12. Experiences of the Inner and the Cosmic Consciousness

Fragment ID: 2237

The impulse to retire comes from some push to concentrate within – but the cause of the push varies in different cases. There are certain cases in which there was a desire to isolate oneself from the Mother’s influence (Pranam, meditation etc.) and follow one’s own fancies, e.g. A, B, also perhaps with a sense of superiority – “no need of these things for so great a yogi as I”. In other cases there was a marked desire for isolation, but that was where the brain was already upset (C) or a wrong influence at work (D). It is to these I suppose that E was referring. But others have simply desired concentration or wished not to spend themselves in externalisation (F, G in their period of retirement). So all cannot come under one sentence.