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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

13. Opposition of the Hostile Forces

Fragment ID: 4030

There is no use of testing at all – whatever test is needed, comes of itself in the ordinary way in the very use of the capacity and in the very steps of the progress – no other is needed. Beyond that the tests that come are from the hostile forces – but their way of testing is to take advantage of any point of weakness and push with all their force at that point to break down the sadhana or else to hurl all the adverse forces on the consciousness while it is still in process of transition and not yet mature so as to shatter all that has been done. It is not a true test but mere destruction replacing the constructive method. By unnecessary “testing” one dangerously invites this hostile pressure and raises up things which one has to banish. To be conscious is necessary, but quiet self-examination is sufficient for that – raising up difficulties under plan of testing is quite the wrong method.