Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
Correspondence (1933-1967)
Letter ID: 47
Sri Aurobindo — Nahar, Prithwi Singh
May 29, 1936
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Prithwi Singh
The Mother gladly accepts your offer about the books1 and is pleased that you have made it. The books needed are 150 in number. If you let us know the exact date of your removal to the new house,2 Mother will distribute the books on that day.
I return you my last letter and the typed copy with the necessary correction – it was due to a slip of the pen in the letter itself that you could not make out the words omitted in the typescript.
Yes, the object of our Yoga is to establish direct contact with the Divine above and bring down the divine consciousness from above into all the centres. Occult powers belonging to the mental, vital and subtle physical planes are not our object. One can have contact with various Divine Forms and Personalities on the way, but there is no need to establish them in the centres, though sometimes that happens automatically (as with the four Personalities of the Mother) for a time in the course of the sadhana. But it is not a rule to do so. Our Yoga is meant to be plastic and to allow all necessary workings of the Divine Power according to the nature, but these in the
details may vary with each individual.
Sri Aurobindo
1 The Bases of Yoga, an early collection of letters of Sri Aurobindo. Prithwi Singh’s offer met the cost of printing at the Arya Publishing House.
2 To Hindustan Road from Indian Mirror Street.
3 SABCL, volume 22; Letters of Sri Aurobindo. 2 Ser.: Forces
4 SABCL, volume 22; Letters of Sri Aurobindo. 2 Ser.: their
Current publication:
[A letter: ] Sri Aurobindo. Sri Aurobindo and Mother to Prithwi Singh: Correspondence (1933-1967).- Mysore: Mira Aditi, 1998.- 183 p.
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