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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Correspondence (1933-1967)

Letter ID: 60

Sri Aurobindo — Nahar, Prithwi Singh

October 31, 1936


There has been a relapse ... yesterday and to-day. As it is a chronic malady and hereditary it is so obstinately persistent.

That the body responded, though partially, to Your curative Force makes me take the view that it must obey the Force thoroughly with the coming of greater openness. Anyway I am not worried Mother but I simply inform You of it.

In to-day’s Pranam the Force you sent through the spine by repeated pressure of the finger seems to me to have been meant for this purpose. So perhaps it is unnecessary to take Your time by writing to inform You of it.

With deep devotion,


Mother saw that you had need of a special concentration and so there was this action at the Pranam. But it is always better to inform as that has itself an effect in drawing the action of the force.

Sri Aurobindo