Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
Correspondence (1933-1967)
Letter ID: 74
Sri Aurobindo — Nahar, Prithwi Singh
February 17, 1937
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Prithwi Singh,
You write as if what is going on in Europe1 were a war between the powers of Light and the powers of Darkness – but this
is no more so than during the Great War. It is a fight between two kinds of Ignorance. Our aim is to bring down a higher Truth, but that Truth must be able to live by its own strength and not depend upon the victory of one or other of the forces of the Ignorance. That is the reason why we are not
to mix in political or social controversies and struggles; it would simply keep down our endeavour to a lower level and prevent the Truth from descending which is none of these things but has a quite different law and basis. You speak of brahmatej being overpowered by kṣatratej, but where is that happening? None of the warring parties incarnates
Sri Aurobindo
1 The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) in which Hitler and Mussolini actively supported the fascist commander Franco against republican forces, while France and Britain remained helpless spectators.
2 SABCL, volume 22; Letters of Sri Aurobindo. 4 Ser. the Light
3 SABCL, volume 22; Letters of Sri Aurobindo. 4 Ser. that
4 Letters of Sri Aurobindo. 4 Ser. we not
5 SABCL, volume 22; Letters of Sri Aurobindo. 4 Ser. incarnate
Current publication:
[A letter: ] Sri Aurobindo. Sri Aurobindo and Mother to Prithwi Singh: Correspondence (1933-1967).- Mysore: Mira Aditi, 1998.- 183 p.
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