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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume 1

Letter ID: 294

Sri Aurobindo — Roy, Dilip Kumar

November 13, 1932

It is a very successful rhythm indeed and, as far as I can judge solves the question – for it is not a Sanskrit metre transfused into Bengali, but something that sounds like a natural and native movement throughout. It looks to me as if you had done the trick!

As to Aurobindo Bose, I am doubtful. One would judge him from his letter to be a man vitally divided and unstable. And this allusion to a mess from which suicide seemed for a time the only issue is not very encouraging. It seems to me that you could write to him that coming here and staying in the Ashram is a step that should not be taken lightly and that, for that reason, permission is not given as a rule unless one is already a disciple or strongly called to the Yoga. (I would rather not have doubtful or complicated people just now – this November we are drawing a limiting circle for the darshan.)