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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume 2. 1934 — 1935

Letter ID: 615

Sri Aurobindo — Roy, Dilip Kumar

September 1935

P.S. One thing I would ask you in all humility. Can I be as nice to him as I like? I like to be kind and nice to him.

No objection to niceness. If it makes him a little nicer. You can judge for yourself how nice to be.

You can be absolutely sure he won’t affect me in the least by his talk. It is a curious phenomenon with me (I have noticed before too – and always) that whenever I see hostility or wrong movements in others, far from vacillating, I feel adamant and peaceful like Raman Maharshi. (...)

You have written a very fine poem. But Harin’s bidroha [revolt] is of another character – there is something behind low and dark which he does not want to get out of himself. So –

P.S. Of course it was not my intention in writing the last letter that you should cut or throw off Harin. I only wanted you to know our position and the difficulties and this letter also I write from the same standpoint. If you have converted him, good – but let it be a true conversion.