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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume 3

Letter ID: 682

Sri Aurobindo — Roy, Dilip Kumar

January 2, 1936

Very remarkably smooth and strong and flowing – your metre. Enjambments are supposed to break the lyric flow and wholeness of the stanza structure, but they do not do so here, only carry over the stream into its next curve.

The letter progresses but like a crab: I had to recast the first part last night and tonight there was too much correspondence, etc. to do. However Part I cannot fail to be soon finished, for it is all there in my head or, to speak with a greater physical accuracy, formed above it. Nirvana by the way is not Nirvanic, it is only mute and withdrawn till it is overtaken by Harmony. It can’t go out by itself because it is pardanashin1 and needs a male Harmony to protect it.


1 living behind the purdah.
