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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume 3

Letter ID: 743

Sri Aurobindo — Roy, Dilip Kumar

May 21, 1936

We will certainly try to get your uncle, Tokumama and aunt, Mandamamima here and I suppose one day they will come.

You are no doubt right about asking for the bhakti, for I suppose if it is the master claim of your nature: for that matter, it is the strongest motive force that sadhana can have and the best means for all else that has to come. It is why I said that it is through the heart that spiritual experience must come to you. The loyalty and the rest that you have for me and the Mother may not, as you say, be part of the bhakti itself, but they could not be there were not the bhakti deep inside. It is its coming out in full force into the surface consciousness that is to be brought about and it seems to me that it is inevitable that it should come as the outer coverings fall off. What is within must surely make its way to the surface.