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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume 3

Letter ID: 778

Sri Aurobindo — Roy, Dilip Kumar

July 5, 1936

I have read the “admirer’s” letter. I don’t suppose he has any definite idea of what is meant by seeking the Divine or the Yoga. I don’t know whether it is any use telling him that Yoga is not an easy thing and one has much to face and much to conquer and therefore it is not right to hurry to it. He should allow time for the consciousness to grow and become clear about its [aim] and the true urge behind before any step is taken? Things like that to stave him off? There is too much of a rhetorical turn in his epistle.

Prithwisingh wants to know whether Shankar paid the rent not only up to October (which P.S. knows) but up to December as Sen avers. I suppose he did pay, since he says so? He has agreed to pay by installments but claims a deduction of Rs. 300 for the garage. Prithwisingh is not inclined to concede more than Rs. 75. Sorry to intrude this on you, but I have to answer him about the rent payment up to December, so have to trouble you.