Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
Volume 1. 1933
Letter ID: 1105
Sri Aurobindo — Nirodbaran Talukdar
April 23, 1933
Last night while I was concentrating lying in bed I entered into a half-wakeful state which made me a little afraid. I tried to fall asleep but the state of concentration would not leave me. At last sleep came. Is this an intermediate stage?
Yes. I don’t know why you should have any fear! It is a quite usual experience of the concentrated state when one is going inside.
As the meditation deepens, a sense of pressure is felt on the head. I don’t suppose it is anything abnormal?
It is on the contrary the most normal thing everybody feels at a certain initial stage.
I hear that one can pray for a friend and write to you about him.
Yes; but don’t do it for people who have not the turn for Yoga. Each has his own movement – his own time in this life or another.