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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume 1. 1934

Letter ID: 1189

Sri Aurobindo — Nirodbaran Talukdar

June 6, 1934


You can write to C that it is obvious he must stop this thing if he is to make any progress in his sadhana. Sexuality even of the natural kind is an obstacle, but unnatural practices like these are a much greater obstacle – they bring greater reactions, make the will weak and bring a habitual subjection to the lower forces. He has allowed himself to relax his will and as a result the forces he had kept in check here have rushed up with a double force and brought up everything in that line to which his lower vital had been at any time open. He must stop it at once! If it is idleness that makes him like that let him keep himself busy. But most of all he must once more fix his will, realise that he must stop yielding and make up his mind to give no indulgence whatever.

Sri Aurobindo