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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume 1. 1935

Letter ID: 1389

Sri Aurobindo — Nirodbaran Talukdar

July 31, 1935

Yes, I permitted the stove since he was complaining of much flatulence, so that he could take milk diluted with barley and sago, but rasogollas not at all.

I am informed that he ate 2 rasogollas and offered to P. P told him to confess, but he has not done so – for fear I suppose that his stove should be taken away. X some time ago wrote that S was making sweets, but one cannot always believe X’s statements, so I said nothing about it.

If the stove is taken away he will again complain of flatulence. Please see then if you can find out some way.

I don’t know; but one can’t be responsible for the results if he goes on like that. If he expects the Divine Force to be always fighting against his Rasogollas to protect his confounded liver!