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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume 1. 1935

Letter ID: 1510

Sri Aurobindo — Nirodbaran Talukdar

December 29, 1935

About my Bengali poem – I wrote the lines marked and then the Muse failed. NK saw them, picked them up and completed the poem. Naturally he has expressed his own sentiments. They are not mine, neither did I know what they would be when I started. I intend someday to write one myself with those lines as they seem quite good. What’s your opinion?

Your lines are very good. N’s poem is very fine; but his style is too strong to agree with yours. It is as if a trumpet were to take up the notes of a flute.

By the way, J all on a sudden told me, before B, about a correspondence regarding the supramental descent on some anonymous sadhak and your remarks – exaggerated ego etc.; I hope J didn’t mean B and myself because very often we cut many jokes about your Supermind.

Not yourself – He quoted some silly remarks of X about Mother being Jivatman and myself Paramatman and his own atmajnan1 and of Y having the Supermind descending up to his chest etc. I keep back the names. I said if anybody made such a claim it was only exaggerated ego.2

I now close the chapter for ever on R and his treatment, with this last note that I quite agree with you in your psychophysical theory of T.B. etiology... though I don’t understand at all how blood-vomit can be vicarious menstruation and not T.B. in origin...

Well, even experienced doctors can make a mistake!

R has left some reports of blood-urine analysis for you to see. Yesterday he took me again to G and I found he looked much better. His blood-urea has come down to normal. Something! How? Don’t know!

Of course not. The Py doctors say it is magic and contrary to science; others refuse to believe it unless they see the analysis. A little too much noise about the matter.


1 Knowledge of the Self.


2 Note that Sri Aurobindo wrote X and Y in the MS. They are not here the usual editorial substitutions.
