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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume 2. 1938

Letter ID: 2236

Sri Aurobindo — Nirodbaran Talukdar

November 15, 1938

[Sri Aurobindo and the Mother]

Guru, this is the 3rd poem I spoke of. I hope you will find it satisfying.


But I fear “Beauty” is coming too much in my poems.

Perhaps it had better be suspended for a time.

Do you find something new in most of my recent poems?


Or are they repetitions? The expressions and words are yet the same perhaps.

Well, many words and ideas appear frequently, but it does not give the impression of mere repetition.

If we prepare the Ayurvedic drug Sitopaladi here, one pound will come to Rs. 2/8; whereas the patent rate is Rs. 1/8. So shall we buy?

[Mother:] Yes.

I had a talk with Ravindra about preparing Ayurvedic drugs here. He asked me what were the drugs we required. I replied that we didn’t require any particular ones, but we now and then tried preparing some, following the directions on the labels. Moreover we find that whatever Ayurvedic drugs we indent, are contributed by somebody from Alembic. It is only when our stock gets exhausted in the middle of the year, that we have to buy.

He says it is not worth while to prepare any drug less than 10 pounds at a time, which is a huge quantity and runs a risk of getting spoiled. So, I think, under the circumstances we have to give up the project.

[Mother:] Yes.