Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
Fragment ID: 6367
(this fragment is largest or earliest found passage)
Sri Aurobindo — The Principal, Baroda College
September 18, 1904
To the Principal, Baroda College1
L. V. Palace.
My dear Mr. Clarke,
Under His Highness’ directions I have written to the Chief Engineer not to build the rooms for the students’ quarters as yet. His Highness wants to make some important alterations in the plans.
His Highness would like you, in consultation with Mr. Krumbiegel if necessary, to draw up a plan showing the relative positions in which all the buildings it may be necessary to erect in future, will stand, Students’ Quarters, Professors’ houses etc. This will make it convenient for future building so that buildings may be put up at any time when necessary or desired without difficulty or inconvenience.
Though we may not build Professors’ houses just now,
sooner or later His Highness would like to build some at least; so will you
please take the Professors into consultation, and after fixing on all the
requirements and conveniences necessary, make out a model plan which should be
accompanied with elevations, estimates and a computation of the rent which may
be charged, all complete, so that whenever it is thought desirable to build,
orders can at once be given without going each time into details and estimates.
Yours sincerely
Aravind. A. Ghose.
A. B. Clarke Esq.
Baroda College.
1 18 September 1904. During part of 1904 Sri Aurobindo held the post of assistant Huzur Kamdar (Crown Secretary). This is one of many letters he wrote on behalf of the Maharaja during this period.