Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
Fragment ID: 6472
(this fragment is largest or earliest found passage)
Sri Aurobindo — Sloane, Anna Bogenholm
August 3, 1936
To Anna Bogenholm Sloane [1]1
The ARYA Office
Pondicherry French India
August 3, 1926
Anna Bogenholm Sloane
I have read your letter with great interest and I have
no hesitation after the perusal in acceding to your request and asking you to
come over to India and see me; certain of the experiences
you relate seem to me very clear and decisive. I presume that, as you suggest in
your letter, you will come prepared to live here for a few years. For, although
the first openings to a higher and larger consciousness – the experiences called
by you initiations – can be very rapid and luminous and decisive, they have to
be followed by a long process of firm and stable foundation, fuller development,
progressive transformation of the nature and a complete organisation of the new
consciousness which involves years of persistent and vigilant discipline and
Please write to me before you start and inform me of the date of your arrival.
1 Written in reply to a letter from Sloane dated 5 June 1926, in which she enumerated certain inner experiences, which she called “initiations”.