Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
Fragment ID: 6480
(this fragment is largest or earliest found passage)
Sri Aurobindo — Unknown addressee
1928 (circa)
About Marie Potel [3]1
The conditions have greatly changed since she went away
and are not at present such as would make her return at all useful to her or
otherwise advisable. I remain in my retirement and have no intention of coming
out from it at any early date. On her side the Mother is also retiring more and
more. There is no longer a daily meditation and she does not now give a regular
day to the sadhakas, but sees them only from time to time. This movement of
retirement is likely to remain and increase until what has to
be achieved on the material plane has been definitely conquered and made sure.
Under these conditions her return here would be of no use to her; she must
remain in Europe until we write from here that things are changed and her return
1 Marie Léon Potel (1874 – c. 1962) met the Mother in France in 1911 or 1912. She was perhaps the first person to regard the Mother as her master and spiritual Mother. Potel came to the Ashram in March 1926 and remained until March 1928.
Circa 1928. The subject of this letter almost certainly was Marie Potel, who left the Ashram in March 1928.