Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
Fragment ID: 6545
(this fragment is largest or earliest found passage)
Sri Aurobindo — Munshi, K. M.
August 3, 1950
To K. M. Munshi [2]1
K. M. Munshi: I would
like to have your guidance as regards the future of Sanatan Dharma. Starting
from your Uttarpara
Speech, which has been a sort of beacon to me for years, I have been working for
the reintegration of Hindu culture . . . But I am neither learned nor a profound
thinker. I can contribute only my faith and the little energy which has been
vouchsafed to me. I only pray that strength may be given to me to carry forward
the message of the Seers of whom, in my opinion, you are the only surviving
Apostle. What shall I do now?
My dear Kanubhai
In reply to your letter to him of July 30th 1950 Sri Aurobindo has asked me to write to you the following: – 2
“Your feeling that there should be reintegration of Indian Culture under modern conditions is quite right. It is the work that has to be done. And as far as Sri Aurobindo can see at present Indian Spiritual Culture has a great and bright future before it. It is the future power that might dominate the world.
So, your efforts in carrying out that work are quite in the right direction and in carrying out that work you would have his full support and blessings.”
3 August 1950
1 Educated at Baroda College while Sri Aurobindo was a professor there, Kanaiyalal Maneklal Munshi (1887–1971) became a leading member of the Congress in Gujarat. In 1946 he was elected to the Constituent Assembly and after independence joined the union cabinet as agriculture minister. In 1949 and 1950 he asked Sri Aurobindo for advice on two occasions.
On 30 July 1950, Munshi wrote to Sri Aurobindo asking him for guidance in regard to his personal sadhana and his plans to work for the sake of Indian culture. Sri Aurobindo dictated his reply to A. B. Purani.
2 The paragraphs that follow were dictated by Sri Aurobindo to A. B. Purani and sent to Munshi over Purani’s signature. – Ed.