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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo


Fragment ID: 6880

On the Verse and Structure of the Poem [5]

I was trying doublets again because in the third Section, first subsection (Yoga of the Lord of the Horse – Ascent to Godhead) there is a long passage describing Aswapati’s progress through the subtle physical, vital and mental worlds towards the Overmind which is far yet from being either complete or au point. It was only a brief interlude of a few lines formerly, but I had been lengthening it out afterwards with much difficulty in getting it right. I have now got the subtle physical and lower vital worlds into some kind of order, but the big dark Asuric vital and the vital heavens are still roaming about in a state of half solid incompleteness. Still I suppose as I am taking my vacation (from correspondence), I may have time to put all that right.

1 November 1936