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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo


Fragment ID: 7091

Arjava (J. A. Chadwick) [2]

Lift the Stone

Before the chronicles of time began

Or sundering space her canopy unfurled,

The uncreated Over-Thought had plan

Itself to lose – self-offered, form a world.

Smooth as untrodden snow the gleaming Host,

Fraught with all history, ringed by opal pyx,

Shone through eternity rays innermost

’Pon1 all symbolic forms that intermix

Silence of Heaven with lisping speech. God takes

His very substance that from Beauty came;

Then with world-urging power He freely breaks

The bread that builds the fabric of His Name.

Seven great realms the fragments make; and we

In meanest dust may touch Divinity.

You seem to me to have acquired already the three most important elements of poetic excellence.

(1) Mastery of the rhythmic form – at any rate of the right rhythm and building of the sonnet form you are using.

(2) A just felicity and firm construction of the thought architecture proper to the sonnet.

(3) A very considerable power of harmonious and effective poetic diction and suggestive image.

The last seven lines are truly very fine poetry – but the whole sonnet is remarkable in form and power.

6 May 1931


1 Why not “On”; it would be more euphonious.
