Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
Fragment ID: 7686
See letter itself (letter ID: 445)
Sri Aurobindo — Roy, Dilip Kumar
April 15, 1934
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I have not read Ramdas’s writings nor am I at all acquainted with his personality or what may be the level of his experience. The words you quote from him could be expressions either of a simple faith or of a pantheistic experience; evidently, if they are used or intended to establish the thesis that the Divine is everywhere and is all and therefore all is good, being Divine, they are very insufficient for that purpose. But as an experience, it is a very common thing to have this feeling or realisation in the Vedantic Sadhana – in fact, without it there would be no Vedantic Sadhana. I have had it myself on various levels of consciousness and in numerous forms and I have met scores of people who had
had it very genuinely – not as an intellectual theory or perception, but as a spiritual reality which was too concrete for them to deny whatever paradoxes it may entail for the ordinary intelligence.
Of course it does not mean that all here is good or that in the estimation of values a brothel is as good as an Ashram, but it does mean that all are part of one manifestation and that in the inner heart of the harlot as in the inner heart of the sage or saint there is the Divine.
1 Sri Aurobindo to Dilip.- Vol. 2: is very
2 SABCL, volume 22; Sri Aurobindo to Dilip.- Vol. 2; CWSA, volumes 29, 35: have
3 Sri Aurobindo to Dilip.- Vol. 2: sage
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Sri Aurobindo. On Himself // SABCL.- Volume 26. (≈ 35 vol. of CWSA)
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