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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo


Fragment ID: 8180

Q: Yesterday after dusk, I felt as if some welcome revolution had taken place in the Divine order of things. I attended the meditation and felt the whole place filled with calm and silence. I seemed to be sitting alone in meditation in the midst of a boundless vastness. The sadhaks had all become one, a solid mass; and over that massed body a light was flitting about, casting electric flashes. All was still, silent, calm, motionless. Anon I found within me numerous lotuses. Then descended a virat mahapurusha, Himalayan in proportions, in the form of Sri Aurobindo, who, as if on finding the earth incapable of bearing his weight, stood behind the Mother and placed his hands on her shoulders. The whole world was surcharged with silence and Ananda. The sight is beyond my powers to describe. An immeasurable force rushed into me, wave upon wave. Quick and short grew my respiration. Slowly a silence fell over everything. This led me to think that the Mother might have withdrawn, leaving us thrown into Yogic sleep. Then stealthily, like a wary thief, I opened my eyes and saw in front a white figure of ice, calm, motionless, stiff, statuelike, as if without life. Was my experience true?

A: The experience you had was a true one, for something came down at that meditation which had not come down before and your experience was a translation of this descent in your consciousness. That you should have become aware of it in this way shows that your stay here has been very profitable to you and prepared your consciousness for the true realisation. The capacity for it is now there in you. Your future sadhana should be a development from the experience to the realisation.
