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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo


Fragment ID: 8393

Passages from The Mother [7]

In the book The Mother Sri Aurobindo says, “The personal effort required is a triple labour of aspiration, rejection and surrender.” And “rejection of the movements of the lower nature – rejection of the mind’s ideas, opinions, preferences, habits, constructions, so that the true knowledge may find free room in a silent mind,– rejection of the vital nature’s desires ...”, etc. [p. 9]. How can I apply this in my working life?

This has to be done in life itself – whether the life is in an Asram or outside, the rule and method is the same. It is an internal change for which one must become conscious of the lower nature as well as of the psychic and spiritual workings. Meditation is usually necessary for that but so also is life, for it is only life that tests the genuineness of the change.

7 April 1938