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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo


Fragment ID: 8616

Bringing Down the Powers of Transformation [2]

Come down, Sir,– for heaven’s sake give us something and make life more substantial and concrete. I am really beginning to doubt that things like divine Love, Knowledge, etc. can be brought down in me.

In the old days long before you came1 plenty of things were brought down – including the love. Hardly one could bear it and even then only in a small measure. Is it any better now, I wonder? It does not look like it. That is why I want the supermind first,– and especially the peace, the balance in an intensity unshakable. There are several who have been trying to push on with the intensities, but – . Well, let us hope for the best. For God’s sake, peace, balance, an unshakable supramental poise and sanity first. Ecstasies and intensities of other kinds can come afterwards.

8 April 1935


1 The recipient of this letter first visited the Ashram in 1930 and came to stay in 1933. – Ed.
