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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo


Fragment ID: 8830

The Avatar and the Earth Consciousness [4]

I would like to know something about my “bad logic” [p. 408] before I write anything further to you.

Helps to finding out your bad logic. I give instances expressed or implied in your reasonings.

Bad logic No 1. Because things have not been, therefore they can never be.

” ” ” 2. Because Sri Aurobindo is an Avatar, his sadhana can have no meaning for humanity.

” ” ” 3. What happens in Sri Aurobindo’s sadhana cannot happen in anybody else’s sadhana (i.e. neither descent, nor realisation, nor transformation, nor any intuitions, nor budding of new powers or faculties) – because Sri Aurobindo is an Avatar and the sadhaks are not.

” ” ” 4. A street-beggar cannot have any spirituality or at least not so much as, let us say, a University graduate – because, well, one does not know why the hell not.

” ” ” 5. (and last because of want of space) Because I [the recipient] am a doctor, I can’t see a joke when it is there.

11 February 1935