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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo


Fragment ID: 8991

Therapeutic Force and Homeopathy [1]

I felt some improvement in the leg but the pain has not gone completely. Generally the medicines of X [a homeopath] are effective, but not in my case. Why is it so? I have heard that he is a wonderful medium. You have worked through him in the case of outside people, why not in me? Does that mean that they were more open to your force than I was? Kindly explain.

X is a remarkable medium, but he is more successful with people outside than with the sadhaks – (not that he has not succeeded with many of them also). For this there are two reasons. People outside are impressed by his apparently miraculous cure and believe implicitly and follow his treatment – the sadhaks question and dispute it; this mental opposition has a reaction upon the result of the treatment (e.g. X told me there had been a great improvement in Y’s illness, Y denied that there had been any visible or undoubted improvement, yet today Dr. Z told the Mother that he was amazed by the improvement, he had not thought such a thing possible, but now he knew because he had seen it.) The other reason is that sadhaks ought not to need an intermediary between themselves and the Mother – their bodies as well as their minds ought by this time to have become sufficiently receptive for that – outside people do need a medium, for they cannot be expected to have the same receptivity.