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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo


Fragment ID: 9024

Admission to Darshan [3]

Nobody should ever be asked to come for Darshan or Pranam or meditation. If somebody spontaneously asks, it is another matter. Here too as a rule, there should be no eagerness that they should come. Encouragement should be given only in those cases where there is a good or special reason for it. The number of people coming especially in the August darshan, when the Pondicherry people also come, is already very large and we are kept for 7 or 8 hours at a stretch receiving them, so it is not advisable to go on increasing the numbers under the present circumstances. If a man is especially deserving or likely to be a helper or sympathiser of the Asram or there is any other reason for encouraging him, then of course this general rule does not apply.

27 July 1937