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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo


Fragment ID: 9080

Acceptance as a Disciple, 1926 – 1949 [22]

We have read your letter and the Mother is willing to accept X as she has already accepted you. It is understood that he will do all he can to merit the acceptance.

You can tell him that reading and study, though they can be useful for preparing the mind, are not in themselves the best means of entering the Yoga. It is self-dedication from within oneself that is the means. Nor is it entrance into the atmosphere of the Asram that is needed, for there are many things in the atmosphere of the Asram, not all of them desirable. It is with the consciousness of the Mother that he must unite and there too a sincere self-consecration in mind and heart and will is the means for it. The work given by the Mother is always meant as a field for that self-consecration; it has to be done as an offering to her so that through the self-offering one may come to feel her Force acting and her presence.

P.S. The Mother will give the interview asked for, but it will not be possible immediately as just now her days are too crowded – you will have to wait some days for it.

27 February 1935