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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo


Fragment ID: 9304

The Supramental Evolution, the Ashram and the Hostile Forces [2]

Many people are experiencing acute difficulties. Is this the result of an inrush of forces or a pressure in the atmosphere?

It is not the pressure from above that creates difficulties. There is a strong resistance to change in the lower planes and certain Forces take advantage of it to throw in vortices of disturbance and try to upset as many people as possible. The only action of the Pressure from above on these is to push them out from the atmosphere of the person touched or from the atmosphere generally. After a time they are pushed out of the atmosphere of the person and can no longer work on him except from a distance with very slight effect. When that can be done generally – so as to push them to a distance from the atmosphere of the Asram, then all this trouble will cease.

9 November 1933