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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo


Fragment ID: 9474

Work and Sadhana [3]

We cannot approve of your idea – there are already enough intellectuals in the Asram and the room-keeping intellectual is not a type whose undue propagation we are disposed to encourage. Outside work is just what is necessary to keep the equilibrium of the nature and you certainly need it for that purpose. Also your presence in the D.R. [Dining Room] is indispensable. For the rest instead of getting vexed with X or Y you should seek the cause of these things in yourself – that is always the true rule for a sadhak. You are sometimes at your best and then things go on very well; but sometimes you are not at all at your best and then these misunderstandings arise. The remedy therefore is to be at your best always – not to be in your room always, but to be in your best and therefore your true self always.

15 May 1934