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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume II - Part 2

Fragment ID: 11740

I do not quite understand X’s question. Does he mean to ask whether one can become conscious of the Divine’s Love for all creatures before one is oneself filled with the universal love for others? If that is the meaning, then one can certainly become conscious of the Divine’s Love before one has oneself the universal love – one can become conscious of it by contact with the Divine in oneself. Naturally the consciousness of it should lead to the development of a universal love for all. But if he means a love that is divine, not tainted by the lower movements, then it is true that until there comes the peace, purity, freedom from ego, wideness, light of the universal consciousness which is the basis of the universal love, it is difficult to have a love that is free from all the defects, limitations, taints of ordinary human love. The more one has of the universality the more one tends to be freed from these things.