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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume III - Part 1

Fragment ID: 12060

What you have to be careful about is, when the feeling of power and strength comes into you or when you have experiences, not to allow it to be seized on by any kind of egoistic or vital desire, pride, ambition, wish to dominate others – even if it takes the garb of doing the Mother’s work,– for this is your great weakness which always gets in and spoils your progress. Also when you have experiences, do not allow yourself to get exalted and excited by them so as to lose discrimination; for, if you do, then even though the experiences when they begin may be of the right kind, the vital forces take advantage of the excitation and rush in with their own deformations. Remain always calm, collected, quiet within, vigilant – discriminate always. The progress so made may be more slow or seem so; but it is more sure.