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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume IV - Part 2

Fragment ID: 13820

It is not at all true that the Mother takes away the mental control – that is one of the many foolish misinterpretations that certain sadhaks make about the sadhana. What is true – and that is the cause of what you feel – is that when you try to control fully your habitual movements in the vital by the sadhana, instead of sometimes controlling them and sometimes indulging, then they make a violent resistance so that they seem to increase. The sadhak has to stand firm and refuse to be overborne or discouraged by this violence. In dream it is usually the case that even what one has thrown out from the waking state, comes up for a long time – that is because all these things remain still in the subconscient and it is the subconscient that creates a great part of people’s dreams. Thus if one no longer has sexual desires in the waking state he can still have sex-dreams – and emissions – with a more or less frequent recurrence; he can still meet people in dreams whom he never sees or hears or thinks of in his waking hours,– and so on. All the more are such dreams likely to come when the waking mind is not free.