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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume IV - Part 2

Fragment ID: 13843

It is the resistance of the vital that takes the form of this dryness – a form of passive resistance, just as revolt or an excited activity of desire is its active form of resistance. But you should not be discouraged – these phases are normal and almost everybody has to face them. It is not really a sign of failure or inability, but a trying part of the process of change. Hold fast and aspire always for the love and the opening. The inner heart is there and that will receive an answer to the aspiration and one day quickly open the outer and make it also receive. To call to the Mother always is the main thing and with that to aspire and assent to the light when it comes, to reject and detach oneself from desire and any dark movement. But if one cannot do these other things successfully, then call and still call.

The Mother’s force is there with you even when you do not feel it. Trust to it, remain quiet and persevere.