Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
Volume IV - Part 2
Fragment ID: 14108
It is of course the old reaction – jealousy is certainly there, or you would not feel this violent sorrow. That it subsists still in the recesses and rises with such vehemence shows how deeply rooted this movement was in your physical consciousness. You have not been able to root it out, because when it comes you associate yourself entirely with it and abandon yourself to its outcries and violence. You must have the strength to stand back from it in that part of your nature which is free – only then will you be able to push it away from you; and it is only if it is pushed away from you each time it rises that it will consent to disappear and return no more. As for our support and help it is there, but you must remain conscious of it – and you must not allow any wrong ideas like those of this morning to diminish the sense of unity and contact with the Mother.