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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume IV - Part 3

Fragment ID: 14461

It is no doubt as you say1, but that is always the difficulty of the physical consciousness until it has been enlightened from within. It is the peace you feel – the peace that is taking little by little hold of the inner being – that has to deepen and strengthen itself till it can take hold of the physical also. When it can do that, the externalised physical consciousness will feel it no longer alien to itself. The Peace will enable the Force and Light to enter also into the physical and the true understanding will come there too and remove the sense of distance and difference. That is how the Yoga force always works in principle – but the more the quietude, the more rapidly and surely it will work.


1 The correspondent wrote that although she wanted to get rid of her desires, confusions and wrong movements, the outward, physical part of her being wanted to hold on to them. – Ed.
