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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume IV - Part 3

Fragment ID: 15169

[First effects of the Light penetrating and changing the subconscient:]

1. The subconscient begins to show more easily what is in it.

2. Things rising from there come to the awareness of the mind before they can touch or affect the consciousness.

3. The subconscient becomes less the refuge of the ignorant and obscure movements and more an automatic response of the material to the higher consciousness.

4. It gives less covert and less passage to the suggestions of the hostile forces.

5. It is more easy to be conscious in sleep and to have higher forms of dream experience. Hostile dreams – e.g. sex-suggestions can be met and stopped in the dream itself and any result like emission prevented.

6. A waking will put on the dream state before sleeping becomes more and more effective.