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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume IV - Part 4

Fragment ID: 15187

Yoga has always its difficulties, whatever Yoga it be. Moreover it acts in a different way on different seekers. Some have to overcome the difficulties of their nature first before they get any experiences to speak of, others get a splendid beginning and all the difficulties afterwards, others go on for a long time having alternate risings to the top of the wave and then a descent into the gulfs and so on till the vital difficulty is worked out – that is the case with X; others have a smooth path which does not mean that they have no difficulties – they have plenty, but they do not care a straw for them, because they feel sure that the Divine will help them to the goal, or that he is with them even when they do not feel him – their faith makes them imperturbable. What Y feels is true – there are certain signs by which one can know it. As for Z he never tried to do Yoga, so he is not a case in point at all – if he had wanted he might have done something, but except at the beginning he did not want it in the least.

For yourself it seems tome that the consciousness is growing towards the point at which there can be the decisive change upwards and inwards, decisive and effective, and there is no cause for depression – for that change is the one thing needful.