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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume IV - Part 4

Fragment ID: 15389

There is no need to give up entirely what you had in the past. Spiritual truths are not warring enemies – they are parts of a single truth and complete each other. It is only the mind that turns them into disputants and wants one to bar out another. That is the weakness of making something in the past the standard by which you judge the present – the mind takes advantage of its own limitations to declare that the two are incompatible. But it is not so in reality – between two truths of the Divine there is always a reconciliation when to the limiting mind they seem opposites; as one is realised after the other, their unity appears, it is not necessary to deny the past experience in order to go forward to the new realisation.

This will before long become apparent to you if you do not allow the mind to stand in the way of the heart’s permanent opening. Let the doors of the heart swing open freely – allow yourself to enter into the stream without making any mental conditions before you plunge in; the stream itself will carry you to your goal.