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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Kamala’s Correspondence with
Sri Aurobindo and the Mother

Fragment ID: 15781

(this fragment is largest or earliest found passage)

Sri Aurobindo — Kamala Amin



This evening when I sat in meditation I saw the very bright colour of the Supramental Beauty flower before my eyes. I could not make out whether the colour itself was bright or it looked brighter due to the reflection of light falling on it. Behind this colour, I saw a figure – it seemed like a map of India. The colour of the map was to some extent creamy. Mother, what is the meaning?

When I sit in meditation and do japa of Mother, Mother, Mother, everything becomes quiet. I find peace inside and outside and I chant Mother, Mother, Mother very vigorously and I feel tremendous peace. This time I heard the word Mother, Mother, Mother in the surrounding atmosphere too.

I had this sort of experience before I went to Gujarat. But after coming from Gujarat, it stopped. This morning, it started again. I pray Mother to help me.

What is it that I hear as Mother, Mother around me. Is it true or a delusion?

The atmosphere you carry around you is part of your consciousness as much as the rest that you feel inside you. When you repeat the name of the Mother, it begins to echo in all your consciousness the Mother, outside as well as inside you. What you experience therefore is quite true and it is a good experience.

Sri Aurobindo