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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo


Fragment ID: 15865

(this fragment is largest or earliest found passage)

Sri Aurobindo — Vishnudutt

December 21, 1930

About ten or eleven years before, I had seen a church in a city in my vision. I do not now remember the details of the city, but wizen I was coming from the station to the Ashram this time the church on the way resembled the church in my vision. Yesterday I went to see the church from inside and found it all resembling that. About six or seven years before continuously for many months I used to see in my vision beautiful rooms and furniture of different kinds and colours and sometimes a young European lady used to appear there. Generally I used to see such visions at eight in the morning or at noon after taking my food. I had asked my Hatha-yogic Guru if these things had any meaning and he told me not to care to see such things as they had only a purpose to please the fancy.

I want to know whether these visions had some meaning in my coming here.

From your account the church seems to have been a prevision of the church at Pondicherry. The second vision may have been also a prevision, but that is not so positive.

Visions of this kind are certainly not there only to please the fancy they have always a significance. But all are not visions of the physical earth; they may be scenes in other worlds. Also you may see a scene, a house, people etc., in vital counterpart and not in their exact physical circumstances, the arrangement of rooms, furniture, etc., may be different, the people may be acting, as people act on the vital plane and not as they do here etc.

You have evidently, had always a faculty of vision, but experience and the growth of an inner knowledge is necessary to understand and make use of the faculty.

Sri Aurobindo