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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume 1. 1933-34

Fragment ID: 16453


When my consciousness is in the Self I lose the sense of the body. It then experiences itself as wider and in absolute peace – as if it were nothing but Shanti. That is how one feels when one is living in the silent Self.

Kindly tell me where the source of peace, silence etc. is? As I told you it is a thing for you to feel not for me to tell. The centre of silence, peace etc. as you feel them now is above, so it must be there. But you must be conscious and able to feel it there.

What is this constant spell of the Spirit I feel in me? There is no spell of the Spirit there is the consciousness of it in you.

Sometimes I feel a thread-like connection between my head-centre and some planes far beyond me. That is very often how one feels the connection with the higher levels.

I wrote to you that at present my consciousness is not only living in the Self but itself becoming that. Is it not a little too much to say so? It is quite possible at this stage.

You said, “One need not think of it (self) by any word or name. One simply is that.” What is exactly meant by your last sentence? One simply is that (pure existence) but one does not put a name on it.

My consciousness passes hours and hours in pure existence and pure consciousness, is there no fear of ever?

No. It is taking time so as to establish these things well.